All readers either know or should know that Me!bourne considers itself the cultural capital of the 'straya-mate (That's Australia for you clear tongued foreigners). After taking for a stroll the plinth we found in a bin behind the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art last year, we discovered why: Melbourne is an art object, held atop a plinth. And if its on a plinth, then it must be... art!
No matter where the plinth was placed, it was found to be supporting the city. Here it can be seen proudly displaying, in "its own, self-diclosed area, which is is withdrawn from the context of profane existence, and in which [the] special laws [of art] apply", Melbourne's famous tram tracks, now stripped of their utility and rendered as... art.
Bourke St Mall wasn't excluded from becoming an object of artistic ponderability.
Last but not least, here is a view of the Melbourne-art-object from the ground up. Little did the inhabitants of the city know what had become of the ontological status of their habitus that night.