A prawn is here being positioned as the final touch to this award winning sculpture.

The finished work. Who could ever guess that it was created from found materials.

A bustling Friday night in Me!bourne.

The technical capacities of humankind have become so advanced that photographic images of grass can now be printed upon canvas... and found in bins!

The noble savage in us cannot resist being drawn towards the plot of nature in amongst the modern city.

Meanwhile, the vanguard artist in us cannot help but explore emerging- or fading- art fads. As you can see, the classical sculptural form has been placed upon its side (in a partial homage to the ready-made tradition) and has had some text added... it is now a relational object... but where does the object end and human subjectivity begin, or vice versa? Does the viewer make the work?

The simulacrum of grass has attracted more free spirits.

Whilst the formerly sculptural artifact has been sublated into a higher aesthetic objectification of spirit. It is an angelic creative being, followed by a flock of eager curators.