Sunday, August 31, 2008


This installation of samosas was inspired by the outdoor sculptural works of Donald Judd... and by the bin they were found sitting upon. They only needed to be liberated from a double-knotted plastic bag to become high art.

Notice how the geometrical positioning of the samosas denies the functional intention of what were formerly 'chairs'. What beautiful artifacts!

The serial placement reveals a strange, unfamiliar objecthood.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

hand job

Here our lovely model styles... a beautiful new hand!

In the advent of malfunctioning traffic signals, who needs those paid thugs the police to direct traffic? A rubber hand can do the job much more efficiently, and much less threateningly.

The situationists called this detournment... we just think it is a beautification of public art.

Wow! Is that a performance artist interpreting the birth of Dionysus from the thigh of Zeus? When did Hermes start wearing blue?
Somebody better call emergency...

... call an emergency reporter from Artlink magazine: the art-market is going to go through the roof!

The best way to copyright something is to send a copy to yourself through the mail!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thumbtacks and noticeboards

These posters were discovered distributed across the noticeboards of several Melbourne universities, amongst other fortunately blessed places.

Who will protect the flock?

Did you know that the use of Lithium in treating Bipolar Disorder was pioneered in Melbourne by a Psychiatrist who injected the urine of psychiatric patients into guinea pigs?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

sushi actions

Have you noticed how, at the end of the business day, all the unsold nori rolls are packed into containers of 3 or 4 and sold cheap? When these containers are not sold, they all end up in bins. Then they escape the bins and stalk neon signs in sex shops in ode to the minimalist Dan Flavin.

Brochures for C21st art holidays to MoMA...

and the Guggenheim!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

sushi actions

A prawn is here being positioned as the final touch to this award winning sculpture.

The finished work. Who could ever guess that it was created from found materials.

A bustling Friday night in Me!bourne.

The technical capacities of humankind have become so advanced that photographic images of grass can now be printed upon canvas... and found in bins!

The noble savage in us cannot resist being drawn towards the plot of nature in amongst the modern city.

Meanwhile, the vanguard artist in us cannot help but explore emerging- or fading- art fads. As you can see, the classical sculptural form has been placed upon its side (in a partial homage to the ready-made tradition) and has had some text added... it is now a relational object... but where does the object end and human subjectivity begin, or vice versa? Does the viewer make the work?

The simulacrum of grass has attracted more free spirits.

Whilst the formerly sculptural artifact has been sublated into a higher aesthetic objectification of spirit. It is an angelic creative being, followed by a flock of eager curators.

sushi actions

By placing a single nori roll upon the ATM on the left, we disarmed its capacity to issue debt-creating credit and alienated capital.

Take note of the technology that rendered the ATM functionless!

Although a space was left upon this seat for anyone who desired to interact with the art work, nobody took advantage of the possibility.

This serial minimalist sculpture was sponsored by Melbourne's pre-eminent department store... which also has very fruitful bins.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Goodness Gracious

Feeling futile after getting fired by a miserly boss? Get your own back on those who skim their income off your hard labour! We worked for the English music festival catering company Goodness Gracious last year... that is until we were fired. In response to low wages and an increasingly abusive boss, one of us created a tip jar bearing the text "A one pound tip is for us a 20% per hour payrise!" The tips rolled in, but the boss was not happy- it apparently made him look miserly to his customers. So he fired us. At the next London festival Goodness Gracious dumped their frozen vegie patties upon, we donned state of the art fluorescent vests and delivered a few hundred of these flyers to drunken and drugged up Londoners. Goodness Gracious!

McFuckwit Card

Election 2007

Election 2007

Unbeknownst to the corporate media, it was actually this nameless and faceless young worker who ignited the class consciousness of the Ostrayan proletariat- albeit in a reformist form- that resulted in the Coalition government being ousted during the last federal election.

No electorate was left untouched...

Notice the absence of powerpoles in this suburb... it is underground electricity, just like the class consciousness of the industrial worker! The long hair symbolises the manner in which the worker, whose labour has become a mere commodity, has in turn become the historical consciousness of all commodities, and thus destroyed the reified commodity form! Yeah!

Election 2007

Spiderman came along for the ride... but not wishing to exploit other workers, he brought his own vehicle.

Capitalists beware! Its a 2 person propaganda vanguard!

This proletarian is obviously infected by what Georg Lukacs called status-consciousness: "The... abstract... possibility of an individual's elevating himself into the ruling class."

See how readily the process of reification allows the proletarian to fantasise about taking the form of his master! See how readily one confused worker will exploit another in this topsy-turvy system! If only a vanguard revolutionary organisation was at hand to show everyone in this photo the way to socialism!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Election 2007

Now that's a nifty poster! The lady in the white shirt is a union bureaucrat. Her unconscious sense of class consciousness has overcome her with guilt, such that she must steadfastly refuse to pass her gaze across the revolutionary vanguard plying his ideological critique upon her right. Her glasses are hiding the tears shed by her conscience.

This dapper young capitalist donned a shirt to match the mucous green of the election notice upon the left. He chose not to ride the worker, for he had forgotten his socks and was afraid his delicate ankles would chafe upon the heavy weave of the worker's pants. Anyway, he said, he owned his own factory in QLD, which was full of workers. In fact he claimed he needed even more workers- there weren't enough for his factory's want- because there was a skill shortage affecting Ostraya. He was later overheard stating that he really did not ride the worker in the photo because the wage was too high. Thats why he voted Liberal.